Mac DeMarco

ok for starters i did NOT discover him through tiktok (because thats lame or something),
i actually came across 'preoccupied' from here comes the cowboy one night
a while back when i was going through some youtube music playlists.

i liked the shit out of it, so i think i listened to some more of the album and enjoyed it enough.
then i listened to more of his music and realized how much better it was.
now don't get me wrong, here comes the cowboy isn't bad, but there are just so many miss-songs out of a few hits.
'preoccupied' is one of the hits, as well as 'nobody', 'all of our yesterdays', and 'baby bye bye'.
but this is out of like 13 songs. 4 out of 13 songs are pretty good. which is a far cry from his other albums.
(except for one wayne g but im getting there)

while i may have just listened to the album too much, i still think that like every other album mac has released is better.
which i find strange, and wonder if maybe he had some external pressure to release like, anything that year, but i digress... :p

One Wayne G

now, THIS album is interesting to me. one wayne g is a collection of unreleased tracks spanning from 2018-2023.
there are like 200 songs, and a lot of them are actually really good.

here, check out the album and give it a shuffle. see if you like the first few songs you come across.
theres a bunch of groovy tunes hidden in this album, and its always a treat hearing one of them play.
ive actually listened to pretty much the entire album a few times, and its almost trance-enducing.
its like your brain is wading through a lukewarm lake during sunset after a while. i just really like the album's softness. (???)
ENOUGH about the marco though

Windows 96

windows 96 is THE best vaporwave artist, and they barely even make vaporwave at this point. its like a completely new thing.
i discovered windows 96 through 'enchanted instrumentals and whispers' being recommended to me on youtube.
(i now own this album on cd)

i recall not clicking on it for the longest of times, cause i thought that was just
a fucking collection of sounds from windows 95 or smth, not actual banging tunes :b

i think i love every single one of their albums ngl, but i find that the more recent ones also are hit-or-miss
this is probably just like inverse recency-bias but still... my FAVORITE has to be 'in the worlde' though.
maybe its just the point of my life that i listened to it or something, but its like my no.1 loser nostalgic music. can't help myself.
the further you go back into their discography the better it gets tbh, like check out 'vibes' and 'reflections'.

yea thats my music stuff, theres like 5 trillion more thngs but whatevz :3 ty for reading